Monday, July 9, 2007


KUSI News Blog
I've decided to create a blog about the analysis of KUSI News in San Diego CA. I've been a big fan for 15 years of this wacky, zingy, and family oriented style of news broadcasting. But this is not to say that I don't have comments or criticisms regarding the anchors, camera men, and mainly the stories. KUSI claims to be the door to all news stations as far as careers go. I've applied twice within 15 years, and have been shot down both times. All I wanted to be was a camera man or work in the graphics department. Oh well.

So I have questions, I have comments, and most importantly I feel others should hear me out. I don't mean no harm in anything I say on this website... I just thought it would be cool to get my voice heard since whenever I emailed KUSI News I never got a reply. I wonder why that is. Anyway call this a tribute, call this a blast, call it what you want. I have comments and I'm gonna leave it here.

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